Tuesday, 29 December 2015

Elvin Nash is Earning Accolades at PBS in Barbados

Elvin Nash, a valued Productive Business Solutions (PBS) employee for about a decade, has found a professional home in Barbados. After traveling through the Caribbean with the PBS Group, Nash landed the ideal position as General Manager for PBS Barbados. In this coveted position, he has earned awards touting his sales and management prowess.

As the General Manager for PBS Barbados, Elvin Nash is responsible for the total functioning and productivity of that location. His daily jobs include oversight and communication between the Barbados facility, the tangential Eastern Caribbean States, and the main hub of PBS. Nash is additionally accountable for the IT Integrator functions and the Document Solutions roles.

When Nash is not overseeing these principle features, he is also empowering the team of professional sales managers, and monitoring the sales and revenue of PBS Barbados. Launching new lines of business and broader services falls under his purview, as well as instituting new software applications.

In only a few years time, Elvin Nash has already reached success in Barbados. PBS Barbados given the Xerox Distributor Award in 2013. This award was granted based on overall sales and distribution of Xerox Office products in the island of Barbados. Achieving this accolade after only one year on location was a memorable and noted feat.

In 2014, Elvin Nash brought further recognition to PBS Barbados when he was awarded with the Xerox Managed Print Services Accreditation. This certification was the first to ever be given by the Xerox Distributor Group.

Tuesday, 22 December 2015

Key Concepts When Starting a New Venture by Barbados based Elvin Nash

When starting a new venture, business idea or side project, there are many challenges an entrepreneur must overcome. From your go to market strategy to cost benefit analysis and competitive landscapes, there is literally thousands of moving pieces to be considered when establishing your business idea. Barbados based Elvin Nash has a lot of experience in business expansion, which has given him firsthand experience with these types of hardships. However, he has found that implementing simple processes such as creating a defined business plan, setting up a great customer experience model and holding off on an official office are immediate wins all entrepreneurs can reap in the early phases of their business idea.

As a Regional Business Development Manager and currently General Manager at Productive Business Solutions in Barbados, Elvin Nash has had thorough experience in building teams, organizations and driving revenue. When first expanding the PBS business, he found that having a concise business plan which outlines all requirements and expectations was incredibly valuable in the startup phases. Having this detailed plan enabled him to have direction in his own day to day doings, a feat that was difficult during such dynamic times.

In addition, to a great business plan, setting up an outstanding customer service model is also vital to the success of your business. By defining a clear cut customer experience, you're able to reap many benefits apart from just the customer facing work. From a planning perspective, having this customer experience outlined gives inspiration as to how the back end will function, this unifies teams in the implementation of their solutions to business issues.

Finally, simple budget choices such as foregoing your office in the early stages can save your organization an incredible amount of money. Evaluate the actual budget on facilities and general administrative costs in your current business model. If there is excess in operations, trim it and reallocate the funds to more deserving options such as additional sales team members and the like. As a General Manager, Elvin Nash Barbados has had the opportunity to implement these practices and has seen great success in his own expansion efforts.

Wednesday, 2 December 2015

Elvin Nash from PBS Barbados on How Education Plays a Role in Today’s Business World

Education is the foundation of modern day society and it is also providing the direction of our future. In modern day business, this remains true as well, for the values and experiences taught during university and graduate level education teach much more than just fundamental concepts, they educate students on how to innovate and develop disruptive ideas. Elvin Nash of Barbados also holds education in the highest regard due to its benefits throughout his career as both a manager and entry level employee. With an MBA from University of the West Indies and Undergrad from University of Technology, Elvin developed skill in managing businesses, technology and people, however beyond these defined skills, pursuing education to the highest degree also trained him on how to commit and execute on one’s goals.

Education enables us to make intelligent decisions in both our personal and professional lives. Barbados based Elvin Nash Barbados had the opportunity to pursue his education to the MBA level. In the context of business management, this is a truly defining characteristic in his resume. However, beyond the obvious benefits on paper, the achievement of an MBA also gives great insight into the character of the individual. As a successful graduate student, Elvin has specifically refined his thinking to a business efficiency, but this trait also demonstrates his commitment, discipline and intelligence. These skills while not specifically defined in a job description, will provide great insight into his character as a potential business partner. Education presents numerous benefits apart from certifications and titles, it also helps develop your personal attributes and character.