Elvin Nash is one of Barbados’ busiest professionals: as the general manager of Productive Business Solutions (PBS) Barbados, he spends much
of his time working on increasing revenue, growing customer
satisfaction, promoting new products, and keeping the business running
smoothly. Although he is very dedicated to his career, Nash also loves
spending time with his wife and daughter whenever he can. One of his
favorite things to do is have a family barbeque on Sunday – he finds
that it is the perfect break from a busy work schedule. Here are some
more ways to fit family time into your schedule.
- - Make breakfast a family meal, especially if you find yourself stuck late at work often. Taking time to connect with your family before the day starts will be relaxing and put you in a good mood for the workday.
- - Create fun daily traditions with your kids. Whether it’s reading a quick story before bed, a movie night on the weekend or a cute school sendoff each morning, it will show them how much you care and give you something to look forward to every day, no matter how stressful.
- - Use technology to your advantage. Send short but meaningful notes through text or instant messaging throughout the day. As long as it doesn’t get in the way of getting things done, this is an easy way to feel connected to your family, even during the busiest times.
Elvin Nash loves to spend time with his family, even when he juggles it with his busy schedule as the manager of PBS Barbados.