Tuesday, 29 December 2015

Elvin Nash is Earning Accolades at PBS in Barbados

Elvin Nash, a valued Productive Business Solutions (PBS) employee for about a decade, has found a professional home in Barbados. After traveling through the Caribbean with the PBS Group, Nash landed the ideal position as General Manager for PBS Barbados. In this coveted position, he has earned awards touting his sales and management prowess.

As the General Manager for PBS Barbados, Elvin Nash is responsible for the total functioning and productivity of that location. His daily jobs include oversight and communication between the Barbados facility, the tangential Eastern Caribbean States, and the main hub of PBS. Nash is additionally accountable for the IT Integrator functions and the Document Solutions roles.

When Nash is not overseeing these principle features, he is also empowering the team of professional sales managers, and monitoring the sales and revenue of PBS Barbados. Launching new lines of business and broader services falls under his purview, as well as instituting new software applications.

In only a few years time, Elvin Nash has already reached success in Barbados. PBS Barbados given the Xerox Distributor Award in 2013. This award was granted based on overall sales and distribution of Xerox Office products in the island of Barbados. Achieving this accolade after only one year on location was a memorable and noted feat.

In 2014, Elvin Nash brought further recognition to PBS Barbados when he was awarded with the Xerox Managed Print Services Accreditation. This certification was the first to ever be given by the Xerox Distributor Group.